The library buzzed as business professionals, friends, and supporters of Immanuel Christian School gathered Friday morning for the joyous occasion of officially cutting the ribbon on ICS's new location at 40 W Hemlock Street in Hazleton.
State Representative Tarah Toohil stepped forward and presented Immanuel Christian School with a citation from the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The citation honored Immanuel Christian School "upon the momentous occasion of its fortieth anniversary... congratulating the Immanuel Christian School as it recommits itself to the ideals and traditions which have sustained it for forty years; proudly noting its record of service and educational excellence."
Fourth grader Max introduced the ICS Cub and Lion choirs, which are made up of 3rd-5th and 6th-8th graders, respectively. Beaming and full of grins, the students sang "Psalm 100," a song written and directed by ICS Choir and Music teacher Mr. Nate Spanos. This was the choirs' first performance of the school year.

Choir Video:
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